23 April 2010

Angels and Demons - movie comments

I would have put 'spoiler' on this but really you can't spoil this movie, that would be the equivalent of rotting plastic fruit.

I watched this movie last night - it was on and I was in front of the TV. 

Knowing very little about the fabled Illuminati turned out to be far too much to watch this film.

The movie makers (as Dan Brown's book has different events) want us to believe, among many other things, that:

1)  a man branded with hot irons, on his chest, could half an hour later run, fly a helicopter and then parachute onto a square in an urban area.

2)  an elderly man branded on his chest with hot irons then weighted down underwater for a minute could appear on a balcony and talk to 200,000 people within 12 hours.

3) the College of Cardinals could have 4 votes for a new Pope within 12 hours.

And to quote a line in the movie: May God have mercy on all our souls.



Posted via web from SamNZed's posterous

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