22 April 2010

And now for something completely dissonant

I'm getting old.

The hold music on business phones is getting very noisy and particularly ugly.  I'd tell you what I had to listen to most recently IF I knew what it was.  I know it was rap. I spose if they idea is to get the customer all riled up for a good fight leaving you on hold and playing rap at you is a pretty good way to set it up.  'hey arsehole - wat's ur dis?'

Worse still now when I ring Telstra Clear they'll answer in Manilla. So bad music AND people who don't understand how I talk.  Digressing, an 018 call (Telecom) I had some weeks ago the woman corrected my pronunciation of the word science (I was ringing the Science Media Centre).

Business phone answering music is hardly ever right.  I didn't mind the National Bank in the 90s playing the Four Seasons over and over but I got tired of Orinoco Flow with the power company I had at the same time and all were  better than the clunky bells version of Greensleeves which is destined to become a classic cellular ring. Today it's sort of bad modern grunge and rap on the utilities I have to wait for.

You know a nice quiet buzz and the occasional  "i'm sorry you really are important to us, but not enough to hire local staff and support the local econony or to hire enough people to answer your call, please just sit there doing nothing till we find a serf to not understand your accent," would be better than having music.  And it would be more honest.

Posted via web from SamNZed's posterous

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