26 December 2009

Two really popular movies that need to be binned

An Emperor's new clothes moment. 

While many movies are just awful some well made films have a dimension where somehow they dress up pyschosis into family movies and somehow they do well. 
There are two older popular films which I think are disturbing and everytime they appear on TV I wonder why they continue to be shown. "They're naked I tell you!  Naked! - NO clothes, can't you see!"

1 Mrs Doubtfire
Man unable to see his kids except under supervision imitates an elderly Scottish woman and takes on housekeeping for his exwife and them.
Given there is no way it could be pulled off in any situation except where the mother was absent, hardly meeting the housekeeper, I think there is possibly a sinister subtext, probably unintended, about denial. This is actually about a sinister Trojan Horse home invasion.

Whatever the end should have been more like the 70's sicko classic Bad Ronald or some off-edge Jodie Foster film. Big reveal kids and mum run for lives into the night and Mrs Doubtfire gets run through with a pitchfork held up by Sally Field to protect herself.... closing scene she holds the kids tight sobbing as the police arrive and the dead but grimacing Mrs Doubtfire stares at them and bleeds down the pitchfork handle.

2 Sleepless in Seattle
This woman pursues a man she has never met who is on the other side of  the US using his young son on the basis she 'knows' they should be together. 

Where I come from we call that stalking and would describe her as delusional.  The end of the movie should be Meg Ryan dragged off by the FBI heavily sedated and screaming how they will always be together while Tom Hanks takes his forever traumatised son away to live in Hawaii.

Posted via email from SamNZed's posterous

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