31 December 2009

Are we there yet? NYs resolutions

[nb I've stolen the title of this from another blog who in turn stole it from movies who stole it from kids - no specific child has been identified as the originator of the phrase but should it be trademarked  or copyrighted or have any other form of incredibly important legal protection I will unashamedly apologise, and grovel in a cowering and subservient manner appropriate for someone with no dignity or rights.  Please don't sue me]

I don't like New Years Resolutions. My behaviour suggests I must be lying as I've only ever achieved one, despite having made many.  One of the most spectacular attempts was an own-goal - not to make any New Year resolutions. 

The single success was to finish a particular play I was writing. It was a bloody awful play so I'm not sure what was achieved there. The idea was to review NYRs (see how quickly acronyms get formed? 4 lines in no less) them on my birthday in August (24th and yes I accept vouchers), which has only happened once.

The aim of them seems to be to make things better, and starts from the premise something is wrong.  While aware that the idea that nothing is wrong right now is a little ludicrous (elephants in living room analogies seem very popular right now) mostly things in my life are wrong, or less than ideal, for a reason.  So these resolutions are more of a 'are we there yet'.  Wherever there is. 

This year I will make a resolution, it will be more of a statement.  It's actually a new year's truce - I'm not giving myself a hard time.  I must be there by now, or somewhere.  So I'm here. Sod the rest of it. I must be glorious, experienced or famous enough already.

I am happy though to suggest NYRs [TM©] to people I know eg

  • I must ring Sam more
  • Sam's birthday is 24 August - send him a voucher
  • I must ring Sam a lot less

I can tailor them, just ask.  Or if you want, you can 'be there' too.

Posted via web from SamNZed's posterous

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