20 January 2006

There's nothing like a good dose of food poisoning


If you go to Timaru there's a small indian restaurant takeaway near the Pak'n'save. Don't eat there. Just don't. You don't want to hear why, let's just say I will be contacting the Timaru District Council.

Today watched some TV where some Brits twittered on about improving their houses and makeovers. While I watched the despair egged away and I had this flash of what life is really about. Well isn't, but maybe this might lead to some truth about what the answers to life, the universe and everything are.
While Glenys talked to Denise about how a 'beige' carpet was really her (and believe me, it was) I wondered about people who collect teaspoons. We struggle to make meaning from these things, if I just collect the right thing, or my house is ever complete and just right, or if I get a play turned into a TV show and then I can become famous - then and only then will I have transcended how I feel and become right. It used to be when I fell in love and found 'her'. Now I have fallen in love with 'her' and married 'her' and although it makes life better it still leaves us where we were. Which is, if you get food poisoining,- go to bed and don't wake up till it's gone. It makes you very depressed and think about things. And really beige carpet may indeed be the answer to it all, but I was too sick to appreciate it.

17 January 2006

New Years resolution update

Well still no progress on the word 'bling' and other than that a total failure to date.

04 January 2006

What a blogging waste of time

Why write a blog? Waste of freaking time really.

Why is anyone interested in what I think? Why wouldn't you simply write a diary? My aim is to get a newspaper column (or whatever the furture cyber equivalent is) and I'm blogging to get in practise and have something to show people.

Some people send me blogs and they are ... tedious. Who cares what Janelle thought or why Chris wanted another sort of mueseli?

What is really interesting is that the sort of people to blog, based on my very limited survey, are not the sort of people who keep diaries. (by people I mean those over 20) They're more the reality TV participants than the watchers. Meanwhile those people I have talked to who keep diaries, aren't blogging, and if they are, they're doing it very privately and not showing it to anyone.

There are two types of people (those who divide things into two groups and those who don't)... their are extroverts who think what we say is profound and people should take notice, and intorverts who record things for their own development.

Will having extroverts writing about history affect the way we look at it?

01 January 2006

New Years Resolutions 2006

This year:
  • I'm going to remember 90 minute movies on free to air TV last for 3 hours, and will get them from the video shop instead. Ninety minutes of my life is worth at least $10.
  • My backyard will be less like an obstacle course.
  • When I see something I really like under a hundred dollars I'm just going to buy it. The obsession and stress about whether I should have bought it and leaving it till someone else gets it, just isn't worth it.
  • I won't be surprised when TVNZ fails to programme good shows (like 'Extras' made by 'the Office' team) and I'll remember TVNZ staff are really in the pay of Sky hired to ruin free to air TV.
  • On the subject of TV, I'll remember reality TV isn't.
  • I'll give everyone a voucher for Christmas and buy their presents half price in the boxing day sale.
  • I won't say 'there's nothing worse than....' I always say it about very trivial things and there are many things much much worse. EG there's nothing worse than eating a cold meat pie.... (there is; for example dying of beriberi, children's musical toys or eating a hot meat pie).
  • When asked how I am, I won't reply 'can't complain'. I can, and do complain. Frequently.
  • I'm going to find out whether bling is an adjective or a noun. And where it came from.
  • I'm going to write an entry in a blog a minimum of two times a week, well, try to.