25 July 2010

recipe: Indian Summer bacon cabonari



4 bacon rashers

200 gm mince

6-8 capsicums (or substitute some broccoli)

250 gms sour cream

4 mushrooms

2 tablespoons ready made mild mustard or equivalent

mustard powder made up.

1 teaspoon rosemary

1/2 teaspoon sweet basil

cracked black pepper to taste

500 gm packet of pasta.

Other vegetables.


Chop the bacon into rough pieces, 2 cm square and fry

with mince.  Fry until browning, but before they become

crispy.  Say ten minutes.


Put on the pasta while the bacon and mince is cooking.


Finely chop the mushrooms and add with the herbs and the



When the mushrooms have also browned add the mustard, and

then when it has mixed through add the sour cream.


While this is cooking put on any other vegetables you

intend to have.


Finally add the capsicums (and broccoli).


Let the mixture cook for 5 to ten minutes.


Drain the pasta and the other vegetables.


Serve together.

Posted via email from SamNZed's posterous

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