11 July 2010

Herald on Sunday columns

I've got a 4 week gig writing columns for the Herald on Sunday.  'That guy' Leigh is away so I've had an opportunity to get back into writing humour. The Herald on Sunday is newspaper of the year and I have to say I always enjoy getting it as it is a good read.

Felt a bit rusty and I'll be sad when the last one is in this coming week, but it's been good.

This week: Vampires - when did they become the goodies?


Last week: A  bit on fflexible working conditions


Two weeks ago: Kiwi sports fans can ditch their bad-weather gear


I've really enjoyed the stint. I haven't done my best work I have to say, re-reading older columns I don't feel as funny as I used to, BUT as I said I am rusty and instead of repressing my take on issues I need to get back to writing things down as they occur.



Posted via email from SamNZed's posterous

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