17 March 2010

Internet technology still at Morris Minor stage

I've been having a number of 'connectivity' issues lately. In particular having sent and received emails 3 weeks ago my phone stopped being able to send them. So after a week of messing around and seeking help voila! I can send emails, but then 2 weeks ago I was suddenly able to send and  but not receive.  Several hours of talking to technicians later I still can't receive.

At the same time I've been having problems with internet browsers, no matter which one I use I get blank internet pages. Yes I've removed and reloaded my anti -virus and looked at my add-ons and cleared my cache and blah blah blah.

My conclusion is that this doesn't feel like a 2010 Toyota Corolla or a 2009 Mitsubishi. Internet and more generally computers feel like a 1965 Morris Minor or 1972 Morris Marina technology with a long way to go.

I'm expecting a one button connectivity system which re-engineers settings and just goes, and a computer which isn't overloaded with anti-virus settings and makes all programmes work seamlessly together. 

Anyway - back to the phone and another call to Vodafone and then Telstra.


Posted via web from SamNZed's posterous

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