07 October 2009

Son of Not buying it

Another thing I avoid is products made in China. It's not about quality, or price but more about a feeling of unease that just about all the things I eat, plug in, wear, watch or read are made in the same country, which isn't here.  I'm sure the Chinese are wonderful people: kind to animals, nice to elderly grandparents, like outings, walks on the beach, want to make love not war, but the economic impact of 90% of NZ's goods coming from one nation seems unwise.

Actually I do have reservations about the Chinese political system and their growing regional and international dominance, but I spose if they are hell bent on world domination economic domination is not as bad as military options. Given we're probably living in the last days of the European empire and the Asian one is just starting we need to expect some form of change.

So when I'm shopping I don't buy peanut butter made in China (most of it is), or any food products, and try to avoid clothes made there.Although I know the T shirt I have on is from China - but try buying one in NZ that isn't!  Again pointless gestures as Jayden and Allisa NuZilan are buying all this stuff and don't care, but as I said last time- we're told economically an individual makes a difference (excuse me while I try not to snort my tea back up).

Next post may be Revenge of Not Buying it, an impassioned treatise on why everyone should avoid the gift shop round the road.





Posted via web from SamNZed's posterous

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