21 January 2008

Bugger knocked off

Listened to the radio this am. Edmund Hillary is still dead.

There's been media stories that no-one in the royal family will be coming out. I meant coming to New Zealand but that statement holds as well. I suspect they're either scared of terrorists or they're doing their bit for the Kiwi republic. There was a poll some years ago about who we'd elect for president, if we had one, and Sir Ed won hands down. I had thought, at the time, it would be a bad precedent... when I was overseas I noted that leaders who had their pictures on the currency were usually up to no good (Sir Ed is, of course, on our $5 note). Or maybe the issue is that the Royal Family can't be buggered (I meant bothered, but see above double entendre).

According the radio news the big story was that there will be a video screen in Cathedral Square and in Dunedin you can watch the funeral from the Town Hall!!!! Around then I turned my car radio off and put on Chicane's latest album.

Still as he climbs the stairway to Valhalla Sir Ed will be missed. Not by me. I never met him and I can't understand this obsession with climbing mountains. Okay a great New Zealander, and I'd rather he was still alive.

Anyway the new Chicane cd/album/download... worth getting!

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