23 September 2010

Sam’s Mediterranean madness salad

 Summer is coming!


·         1 x 330-500 ml container plain unsweetened yoghurt

·         half a cup of vinegar  (you choose, white vinegar is good)

·         two tablespoons of dried or fresh chopped mint

·         packet of pasta seashells

·         celery - say 6 big stalks

·         parsley - a handful

·         half a green or red capsicum


Start by mixing 

the vinegar and mint together and microwave them together (I throw it in for around a minute - you may want to manage it a bit better).  Let them cool. You might want to do this an hour or so before you do the rest.

Boil the pasta shells until are cooked.  Set them to one side to cool.


Chop the celery and parsley with the capsicum.  Chop them finely.


Mix the cool vinegar / mint mixture together with the yoghurt.


Combine the cooled shells, the vegetables and the yoghurt together. 


The salad should be tangy, tart and astringent.

Posted via email from SamNZed's posterous

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