27 September 2009

Man on the moon

Love the REM song Man on the Moon. The song was a highlight in the movie of the same name on Andy Kaufman, particularly effective on the big screen with large sound system.
The movie wasn't so good. Having looked at the book I was keen to see the movie, Andy Kaufman suffered the same problem Peter Sellars did and that is he really didn't know who he was. The movie failed to nail this, they had him making many frank admissions and talking to people when it was clear in the book he wasn't capable of it.  (The movie trailer)
 (Springsteen joins REM)

But that's not what I was thinking about when I heard the song today.

What I thought about was 'do you believe they put a man on the moon?'. 
I do.

I also don't believe the US or UK Governments faked 9/11 or 9/9.

Or that the UN is a giant conspiracy to overthrow the US Constitution and has an army of black helicopters.

I think we're in the 'New Dark Ages'; science is openly ridiculed, superstition in the form of weird consipiracies are all the go and religious fundamentalism in the major religions is thriving. 

Worth a screenplay or play I think.

Posted via email from SamNZed's posterous

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