29 February 2008

Hillary evil toast

Not only is Hillary going down and biting the big banana but she's getting abusive and nasty as she goes. I've just started a blog on directing Macbeth and I'm wondering if I should model the Macbeths on the Clintons. The Clinton's relationship is as complicated!

24 February 2008

Where Al Queda could have saved time and created more havoc

I'm not sure what Al Queda are thinking... if they want to bring down the west by crashing aeroplanes into buildings they don't need to spend months in flying schools.

Air New Zealand has unwittingly given us the chilling secret. All they needed to do was book 50 Al Queda suicidanistas in 50 different flights and give them cell phones. At the agreed moment they'd all turn their cellphones on and the planes will crash horribly to the ground.

After all Air NZ wouldn't be needlessly scaring us would they?

Forgotten pass-words

The reason for the long gap since my last post is that I couldn't remember my password, or new email address that blogger insisted I create.

Finally I had an hour to piece the answers together.
I have passwords for my 4 email accounts, my blogger account, several online retailers (8 actually), passwords for a range of subscriptions, two internet bank accounts, my ATM pin, my cell phone, my home phone, my bike padlock, my work emails and server, my frequent flyer account and internet travel booking, some newsgroups and my insurances.

And they're all different. No really they are.

The thing that will bring down civilisation won't be moral degeneracy (although Lohan, Hilton and Spears do suggest it's a risk) or disease, or even global warming - no, one day too many people will forget their various e-pins on the same day and the financial and supply systems that keep us alive will collapse, and after three tries no-one will be allowed in again. The human population will live in caves (a victory for the Green Party!) or starve to death at the gates and the computers will just keep running without us.

05 February 2008

God or evolution got it wrong

I remember seeing a competition once to redesign the human body. It was pretty lame and no-one addressed the design flaw that is most obvious.

How could the waste system and the reproductive systems be combined??? It's just dumb.

If there was one thing that isn't right in the human body construction, and indeed in the bodies of all mammals it's having the same pipe for both functions. There should be two unrelated orifaces or the sex organs should be on other system. I've got no strong preferences but I think the aural system and the waste system would also be a mistake but I think the oral and sex organs together would have definate advantages.

02 February 2008

Hillary Toast

What amazes me about the US Presidential Primaries is has ever so much energy been generated over so little content? It makes Star wars figures, gamer and sci-fi conventions look serious.

Sigh anyway....Hillary Clinton will never be US President. Ever.

I don't think that she'll beat Obama for the Democractic nomination. She might. If she and Bill do they won't beat McCain.

It looks to me though there'll be an Obama Vs McCain election - anti and pro Iraq War candidates and it will be much easier for American voters, who probably have better things to worry about than endless primaries, adverts, speeches and debates.

Of course the real debate is -'it's about the economy stupid', which should have given Billary the advantage.